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New Digs and a Giveaway!

Here’s the new site! I’m still kicking the tires and sprucing it up a bit (uh, mixed metaphor much?), but feel free to take a look around.

How about a giveaway to celebrate? We’ll keep it simple. Comment on this post, and I’ll do a random-number thing to pick a winner at 10pm MDT (that’s right, Mountain Time) on Friday, May 24th.

The winner gets a $25 gift card to the book retailer of their choice. At least, the retailer of their choice to which I can easily get a gift card, in the U.S. or Canada.

Yikes, I can’t forget this! Credit for the design goes to Tessa at ipopcolor. I love it, Tessa!

Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

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18 Responses to “New Digs and a Giveaway!”

  1. Tez Miller says:

    Great new design 🙂

  2. The artwork is lovely. Especially the front page. You look like entirely the real deal. Which, of course, you are.


  3. Amy says:

    The website is looking pretty awesomeeee, just like you are! 😀

  4. Janel K says:

    Very nice update! I look forward to reading your new series when it comes out 🙂

  5. Wow, this is neat! Congrats, RC!

  6. Robin Breyer says:

    Nice layout. I like the round menu, it’s very different. Really kind of surreal with the music I have on at the moment. I’ll have to change the link to your blog on my blog so it points here.

  7. Brighton says:

    Sweet website RC!

  8. Jean Oram says:

    The new site is gorgeous, girl! Way to go! It totally suits you and looks so uber professional and glitzy. You know, in a sci fi kind of way.

  9. MarcyKate says:

    LOVE the new site! So cool and slick 🙂

  10. Tara Dairman says:

    It looks fabulous, R.C.! Wonderful job!

  11. Jemi Fraser says:

    Shiny!! Love the new look – very sleek 🙂

  12. riley redgate says:

    RC THIS IS EPIC! So you, and so gorgeous! <3

  13. Great site! Love the graphics! 😉

  14. I love the site!! 😀

  15. Leigh Teale says:

    Man, this is an awesome site! Did you do the design yourself?

    • R.C. Lewis says:

      Just updated the post, Leigh. I can’t believe I forgot to mention my designer. :-X Tessa did an awesome job. I blame my end-of-school-year brain.

  16. Ami says:

    Wow! This looks really, really sharp! Congratulations–the book looks awesome too!
    All the best!

  17. Megan says:

    Congrats on the book & the new site! It’s awesome!