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TBR Mountain

Reading Spree: Conquering the TBR Mountain

Last week, on a whim, I made a little poster and put it up in my classroom. It’s my TBR (To Be Read) Mountain. There are seventeen books on it, and my stated goal is to finish them all before the end of 2011.

Yeah. Seventeen of them. During the school year. And while working on writing stuff at the same time.

Good thing I’m a fast reader. Double-good thing I have a full week off at Thanksgiving.

I posted it so my students could see me setting reading goals, and they’ll be able to watch my progress as I note the date I complete each book on the poster. Hopefully it’ll be a fun little side thing to talk about in class … y’know, other than common denominators, derivatives, and quadratic functions.

While I’m at it, I might as well make my goals even more public, so here’s the list and the little bit of progress so far (in no particular order other than the order my brain remembers them since I’m not at school):

  1. Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness—finished 9/30
  2. Goliath by Scott Westerfeld—finished 10/5
  3. The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey
  4. The Isle of Blood by Rick Yancey
  5. Everlost by Neal Shusterman
  6. Everwild by Neal Shusterman
  7. Everfound by Neal Shusterman
  8. The Death Cure by James Dashner
  9. The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan—finished 10/13
  10. The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan—finished 10/17
  11. Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
  12. Dark Inside by Jeyn Roberts
  13. The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer
  14. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie—finished 10/10
  15. Crossed by Ally Condie
  16. Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick—finished 10/7
  17. Possession by Elana Johnson

And really, I’m just impressed that I remembered all 17 titles.

We’ll see how this goes.

Do you guys have any reading goals?

Speak up: