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The Teenage Human as Observed in the Wild

… the “Wild” being a local junior high school, and the specimens under study being around fourteen years of age.

This list will be random and undoubtedly incomplete.

That pretty much sums up the non-math side of the first three weeks of school.

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5 Responses to “The Teenage Human as Observed in the Wild”

  1. Yup. All true. My own daughter is starting her teenage journey and everyone of those apply.

  2. What an absolutely fantastic and accurate list. As a mother of middle-schooler who happens to be a rubix cube genius, I say you are dead on.

  3. S L Jenan says:

    This was wonderful, RC. Almost made me wish I wrote YA.

    (Although when I clicked over, I was a little disappointing that you weren’t announcing the title of this post as the name of your next book — I LOVE THAT TITLE!)

  4. janealfalor says:

    You must have had an interesting three weeks. At least I know it made for a fascinating read for me.

  5. Cat Woods says:

    This is exactly why I love writing for them. They are such amazing creatures!