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‘Fall’-ing for Apocalyptic Fiction

As some of you may remember, last spring I mentioned the release of a short-story anthology titled Spring Fevers. Elephant’s Bookshelf Press has put out their second offering in their seasonal series—The Fall: Tales from the Apocalypse. I just did some tech work on the first anthology, but this time, I have a story included, titled “Trust.”

Apocalypse? Sounds kind of dark and depressing, right? Nope. At least, not always. There’s a full range of stories in this collection. Some intense, some twisted, some hopeful, some bittersweet … and wait ’til you see Mindy McGinnis’s one-act play. Ever wonder what would happen if God got His hands on an iPhone? Mindy has.

It’s available in both Kindle format and paperback. Hopefully more eBook formats will be available soon. (If you don’t have a Kindle, remember that you can read Kindle books on many electronic devices—tablets, smartphones, computers—using the free Kindle app.)

We’d love to know what you think. And when you think of the end of the world (literally or metaphorically), what kinds of stories come to mind?

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