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internet people are cool

People on the Internet are Scary! (No, They’re Not)

You know how they say to be careful with people you meet on the internet? How they might not be who they say they are? Maybe they’re scary and strange?

Apparently I’m allowed to throw that advice out the window under the right circumstances.

The illustrious Mindy McGinnis safely arrived in the dusty, dirty, just-plain-BROWN southwest today. (Seriously. Mega-winds kicking up the dirt creating a cloud of brown over the city.) We’ve known each other (on the internet) for about two and a half years. We’ve been critique partners (on the internet) for about a year and a half. Today we met in person for the first time.

People knew this was happening. No one thought it was weird or scary.

Maybe it’s because of how ubiquitous the internet is now, how big social media has become, or maybe it’s just that Mindy and I have known each other in online arenas that are public enough to validate our identities. Or something.

At any rate …

Today she’s the guest author at my school’s second biannual Author Illustrator Competition. Not only is this her first visit anywhere in the west that isn’t Las Vegas, it’s also her first foray into Deaf-World.

Should be fun.

I’ll be sure to report back.

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