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totally lying through my teeth

From the Department of Made-Up Statistics

I admit itโ€”I’m a data geek. (Shocking, right?) Give me some data, and I can’t help but analyze it at least a little. I’ve even made graphs to analyze my writing.

I’ve often heard people claim you can make statistics say anything you want. That’s not entirely true, but you can usually frame them in a way that leans in a certain direction, even if that direction is misleading. Some easy ways to do this are asking your question in a particular way, choosing a biased sample, and setting up a graph with an inappropriate axis. (All of these will get you labeled a bad statistician, though.)

Sometimes, it’s easier just to skip all the technical steps and just make up results. So here are some claims that are entirely made up based only on my gut instinct. If anyone finds hard data on any of them, feel free to let me know.

Go ahead and make up some of your own statistics, or let me know if you think my percentages are off on any of the above. It’s fun and makes you sound knowledgeable. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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