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Even Math Teachers Can Have Math Weaknesses

I’ve taught just about every math subject and topic you can imagine right up through calculus. I’m pretty good at all kinds of math problems, which is nice when you’re expected to help kids make sense of them. But there’s a skill—mathematical in nature—that I’m not so hot at.

Spatial estimation.

How many feet are between me and the car in front of me? Couldn’t tell you.

How many gallons of water fit in my bathtub? No idea.

When it comes to teaching, this isn’t really a problem. I know about measurement. I know how to take measurements. I know a few benchmarks (like a football field) and can easily estimate whether something is more or less than those.

It’s a problem when I’m moving today. Do I have enough boxes? Is everything going to fit in the size of moving truck I’ve rented (plus the two cars coming along)?

I guess I’ll find out.

After packing up my classroom this past week, though, I’m happy to say I’ve at least gotten better at optimizing box space. I got some books packed in an arrangement that was a thing of beauty.

Is there a minor section in your area of expertise where you don’t feel so expert? Has it gotten in your way? How do you work around it?

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