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While Waiting: Part 2

A few months ago, I posted a list of things to do while waiting on an agent.  Agent #1 still has the full, and now two more agents have it as well.  (My latest attempt at a query letter actually has legs!)  So, more waiting.  Here’s what I have gotten/am getting done, and it’s nice to see some of these are progressions from the first list.

A lot of that looks like work.  Here are some additions for the To Do list:

Hmm, all of that involves travel and interacting with humans outside of cyberspace.  That might be a clue.

Anyone else have fun ways of keeping your mind off the waiting game?

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2 Responses to “While Waiting: Part 2”

  1. awesomely awesome friend stated above says:

    You can always dance to the music playing in the grocery store while you are loading up your cart 🙂
    It help me kill the time and puts a smile on people’s faces when they see me tap dancing with my Fedora down the aisle.

  2. R.C. Lewis says:

    😀 Nice idea, but the music they play in the local grocery stores make me want to run away more often than dance down the aisle. :-X