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June, 2012

Things that Make You Go *Headdesk*

(If you’re internet-uninitiated and don’t have an immediate visual for “headdesk” then go run an image search.)

We all have things that drive us to that point of cranium-meets-office-furniture. Some big, some small. And once in a while, you need to vent about those headdesk moments.

Here are a few I’ve come across lately:

That’s probably more than enough for one day.

How about you? What’s made you go *headdesk* lately? Go ahead and vent. Sometimes you just have to.

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Putting the Sci in Sci-Fi

I’ve written before about world-building, focusing on the art of weaving it into the body of our stories. It’s a necessary part of pretty much any genre of fiction to one degree or another, but particularly in speculative and historical fiction. Right now, I’m going to focus on a different aspect of world-building, specifically in science fiction.

Forget working in the details. I want to talk about whether the details work.

It’s science fiction, right? Fiction, as in made up. Yeah, but you also have the ‘science’ part. You want things to be a little out there, imaginative, something the reader hasn’t thought of before, but now that you suggested it, “Yes, that’s so awesome!” At the same time, you don’t want it to enter the realm of, “But that’s totally impossible!”

Finding the balance between scientific feasibility and creative license isn’t easy. I don’t think I know any writers who don’t dive in and do some research when they find they need to. There are natural limitations. (For example, check out the letter Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry sent Isaac Asimov in response to the latter’s criticism of the television series.)

However, I’ve come across instances where I feel like authors didn’t realize they needed to do a little research. Maybe they lacked the background knowledge. Maybe they just didn’t think it through from the angle I naturally look from. Maybe they put more emphasis on what worked for their plot than what actually works from a logical world-building perspective.

Maybe I’m just a science snob.

To be honest, I see this particularly in YA sci-fi. Not saying it’s true of all (not remotely!) or most. I hope it’s not even true of many. But it’s certainly true of some. Some who call themselves geeks, love sci-fi as a consumer, but don’t get the whole left-side-of-the-brain engagement going in their writing.

I’m not saying all sci-fi has to be hard sci-fi. We don’t need pages of techno-babble backing up the scientific elements of the story. But here are some (very general) scientifically minded questions I try to consider in my world-building details:


And here’s a biggie:

Any other sci-fi buffs out there? Are there ways you see the “sci” in sci-fi getting glossed over too much (in YA or otherwise)? What strategies do you have for keeping your imagination within some confines of scientific consistency? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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My Flavor of Origami

If you’ve read my profile over there on the right, you might have noticed the “origami-folding” part. But when you think of origami, what do you think of?

Paper cranes? I don’t know how to make those.

Or maybe Origami Yoda? I only wish I were that cool.

So what’s up with me saying I’m origami-folding? What can I make?

That’s right! Piles of brightly colored, crinkly parallelograms!

Okay, I’m kidding. I hadn’t assembled them yet. Here’s what they really make.

It’s called a stellated icosahedron. The “stellated” means it’s pointy and star-like. The “icosahedron” means if those pointy parts were flattened down, it’d have twenty faces.

In general, this style is called modular origami. You make a bunch of identical pieces and assemble them. Very geometric.

You can imagine why I like it so much.

It’s also a great way to fill a day of math classes when the timing doesn’t work for a regular math lesson. Like the last day before Christmas break and you just did a chapter or unit test the day before, so you definitely don’t want to start a new chapter.

It also makes the students think their math teacher is pretty cool.

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A Round of Applause for the Visual Arts

On Wednesday, I mentioned that it took a long time for me to discover/realize/admit I had any type of creativity inside me. Acknowledging that my writing had any artistic value took a little longer. There’s one thing, though, that remains an unchanging truth.

I can’t draw.

Add to that the fact that I can’t paint, sculpt, or do anything else under the umbrella of visual arts. My brother and sister got that talent. When we started playing DrawSomething against each other, I figured my attempts would be pitiful next to theirs. (Fortunately, phone-sized touchscreens are the great equalizer.)

It’s not one of my strengths, and I’m okay with that. I think it’s helped me appreciate those who do have talents in that area.

You know who doesn’t appreciate the talent and hard work required? Those clients featured on Clients From Hell. Seriously. As the sister of a graphic designer, I find it mind-boggling.

To counter those non-appreciators, here’s some appreciation. Once upon a time, I taught an eighth-grade girl named Lynn some math. Fast forward about a decade, and we got back in touch. She doesn’t draw professionally, just doodles for fun, but that doesn’t stop me from following her Tumblr religiously.

Have you seen the Hatchet Cat featured on Mindy McGinnis’s Saturday Slash query critiques? Yeah, Lynn drew that.

So, for Lynn, my siblings, and everyone else who can draw things that make me go ♡♥♡, I raise my glass (of root beer) to you!

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Confessions of a Late Bloomer

I’ve heard it more than once. Possibly more than a hundred times. Likely from some of you reading this post. Countless writers have said some version of the following:

I was born to write. Came out of the womb with a pencil in my hand.
I wrote my first book (with staple binding and full-color illustrations) when I was five.
I knew I wanted to be an author when I was eight. It’s my life’s dream.

If you’ve said one of those things, totally cool. Nothing wrong with that. (Unless you mention any of the above in your query letter. DON’T do it!) Some people have that direction and solid idea of where they want to go in life early.

I’m not one of those people.

To be fair, I’ve always been a bookworm. But as a kid/teen, I never got enthralled by gorgeous prose or amazing imagery. I just wanted a story that could hold my interest, keep me guessing, suck me in to the very end and beyond.

To be even more fair, I’ve always known I’m pretty good with words. I could write a school essay on just about any topic without breaking a sweat. (Very handy in grad school.) When my sister needed to argue with someone on a message board, she got me to help her phrase everything just right.

That didn’t make me a writer. Writers were creative and imaginative and all those good things.

We had to take two English classes in college. Freshman English (which I managed to delay well beyond freshman year) and some type of Advanced English chosen from a list. I chose Technical Writing. Never considered taking any type of creative writing class.

I wasn’t the type.

So what am I now?

Over the past three years, I’ve slowly grown used to the idea that there is some creativity in me. That while my writing style will never be “conventionally beautiful,” there is artistic merit in it. That the strong analytical side I’ve been so comfortable with all my life can be a complement to creativity.

I think I’m old enough now to understand that while there are many types, there isn’t one correct type. My “writerliness” is just as real as that of someone who’s been spinning stories since toddlerhood.

Some people take the interstate to their goals. Others take mountainous backroads, and an unplanned detour leads to an unexpected destination. One isn’t better (or worse) than the other.

Just different.

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Dads by the Numbers

Okay, this is kind of a stretch for a Mathematical Monday, but Fathers Day was yesterday, and I’m involving numbers. We’ll pretend it works.

In contemplating Fathers Day, I found myself thinking about the students I’ve taught recently and the various roles fathers have (or haven’t) played in their lives. Here come the numbers.

0 Dads
I’ve had several students raised by single mothers without any father in the picture. Some of them mentioned offhand that the last time they heard from him was years and years ago. I have another student whose father died just last year. Even in the absence of a father, the experience can vary widely.

1 Dad
This is just the standard, average situation, right? For some, yes. Some students have the basic one mom, one dad, still married after all these years. (That’s the situation I come from.) There are others whose parents are divorced, but their dad has stayed just as involved as their mom.

It’s not always so standard, though. I had one student who was raised by her dad because her mom passed away years ago.

2+ Dads
Anyone with half a brain should know that biology isn’t everything. When one of my students mentioned her dad, sometimes she meant her biological dad, but often she meant her step-father. She has a great relationship with him.

When another of my students mentioned his dad, he almost always meant his foster dad. The only time he meant his biological dad was when he talked about filling out paperwork and making sure people included the “Jr.” so his father’s criminal record wouldn’t come up and get mistaken for him.

There are lots of kinds of dads, and they cover the spectrum from amazing to appalling. As a writer, I try to hit on various types and situations. Whatever our situation, we have to be grateful for the good, and grateful for every chance to overcome the bad.

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