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Things that Make You Go *Headdesk*

(If you’re internet-uninitiated and don’t have an immediate visual for “headdesk” then go run an image search.)

We all have things that drive us to that point of cranium-meets-office-furniture. Some big, some small. And once in a while, you need to vent about those headdesk moments.

Here are a few I’ve come across lately:

That’s probably more than enough for one day.

How about you? What’s made you go *headdesk* lately? Go ahead and vent. Sometimes you just have to.

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8 Responses to “Things that Make You Go *Headdesk*”

  1. Oh dear, there are so many…

    The one that used to drive me nuts, was when people would let their kid scream in a restaurant and not pay any attention.

  2. Tyson says:

    A few of mine:


    *When people don’t ACTUALLY read your blog/email/update and think they know what you’re talking about, only they don’t. They really, really don’t.

    *People who expect others to do things for them, but are unable to do anything for anyone but themselves.

  3. Rick Pieters says:

    Definitely “definately.”

    Seeing apostrophe s (‘s) used to pluraize a noun. (Worthy of serious head-bashing.)

    Their/there/they’re misuse. There going to put they’re things over their. Noooo!

    People driving on a street where passing is impossible who feel that the speed limit being 25 doesn’t mean they have to go that fast. 20 is just fine for them. This, of course, is when you’re behind them and running late…

    Oh, and those screaming children and their laissez-faire parents, in supermarkets…

  4. Mike Lewis says:

    Babies in movie theaters. Bonus points if its a loud movie. More points if its PG-13 or higher.

    Right turns from the left turn lane, or vice-versa.

    Actually, a lot of others I have are related to driving… I’ll just end here…

  5. Chris Shaw says:

    Oh, wear two begin? Theirs ALOT. Definately gonna hafta reign my self inn hear… Probly better not too start. Its better this weigh…………….. So nvm..

  6. T.L. Bodine says:

    People who conflate verb tense with passive voice, and then get snotty about it when you point out they’re wrong.

  7. William Jennings says:

    “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

    Mark Twain

  8. William Jennings says:

    To follow that up a little. A good liar mostly tells the truth.